Keep Sharp



cheatsheet, right move, My Vim and NeoVim dotfiles

Mode ShortKey Effect
Normal { / } go to previous / next paragraph
$ go to end of line
^, 0 go to start of line
Ctrl+b / Ctrl+f scroll backward / forward a whole page
Ctrl+u / Ctrl+d scroll backward / forward half page
f / F forward / backward search a character
H / M / L go to top / middle / foot of current page
zt / z. / zb scroll so the cursor line is in the top / middle / bottom of page
; / , repeat above move in same / reverse direction
n / N repeat search in same / reverse direction
* / # go to next / previous whole word under cursor
J Join next line to the end of current line
D delete untill the end of line
C delete untill the end of line and go to insert mode
~ toggle case
q: list recent commands
Visual ab / aB a block with ( ) /
ib / iB inner block with ( ) /
Insert Ctrl+h / Ctrl+w delete previous character / word
Ctrl+u delete untill the start of the line



ShortKey Effect
Alt+t new tab
Alt+- / Alt+= previous / next tab
Alt+Shift+- / Alt+Shift+= move tab to left / right
Alt+o / Alt+p rolling bash history down / up
Ctrl+a / Ctrl+e go to start / end of line
Ctrl+h / Ctrl+w delete previous character / word
Ctrl+u / Ctrl+k delete untill the start / end of the line
Ctrl+y paste
Alt+b / Alt+f move to previous / next word
Alt+l ls command

cheatsheet - Mac, cheatsheet - Zsh


cheatsheet, My i3 dotfile

ShortKey Effect
Win+h / Win+l focus on left / right window in tab mode
Win+j / Win+k focus on upper / lower window in stack mode
Win+Shift+h / Win+Shift+l move current window to left / right side in tab mode
Win+Shift+j / Win+Shift+k move current window to upper / lower side in stack mode
Win+Shift+r reset
Win+Shift+g lock screen
Win+Shift+e exit i3
Win+w / Win+e / Win+s tab / split / stack mode
Win+Enter open a new terminal
Win+d open application launcher
