Week 2
In [2]:
# Function
def double(x):
return 2 * x
In [3]:
# Comment style 1
def like(stuff):
# This function takes a string called stuff as input
# and returns a new string that has "I like " in
# front of the input string
return "I like " + stuff # Here is the return statement!
In [4]:
# Comment style 2
def like(stuff):
""" This function takes a string called stuff as input and
returns a new string that has 'I like ' in front of the
input string """
return "I like " + stuff # Here is the return statement!
In [5]:
# If and else simple way
def big(x):
""" Takes a number x as input and returns a string
indicating whether the number is big or small. """
if x >= 100:
return "That is a big number!"
return "That is a small number."
In [6]:
# If and else smart way
def big(x):
""" Takes a number x as input and returns a string
indicating whether the number is big or small. """
if x >= 100:
return "That is a big number!"
return "That is a small number."
In [7]:
# Chickens and Aardvarks
def a_or_an(noun):
""" Takes a word (string) as input and returns a new string
that adds 'a' or 'an' as appropriate. """
if noun[0] == 'a' or noun[0] == 'e' or noun[0] == 'i' or \
noun[0] == 'o' or noun[0] == 'u':
return "an " + noun
return "a " + noun
print(a_or_an('apple'), a_or_an('banana'))
In [8]:
# Silly function (elif usage, single line, param num)
def silly(x, y):
""" This function takes two numbers as input and does
something silly and useless. """
if x < y:
z = 2 * y
return z
elif x == y: return 3 * y
return 0
In [9]:
# Variable scope, y lives inside the goofy
def goofy(x):
y = 5
x = x + y
return x
print(goofy(3), y)
In [10]:
# Global variable, y lives in a file
y = 5
def goofy(x):
x = x + y
return x
print(goofy(3), y)
In [14]:
# Global var become local var inside a func
x = 10
def double(x):
x = x * 2
return x
In [15]:
# Some methods inside func may change muttable global var
def A(x):
return x
l = [1, 2, 3]
In [16]:
# another example
def B(x):
x = [1, 2, 3]
return x
l = [4, 5, 6]
In [17]:
# loopy function
def loopy():
""" This function takes no input and simply returns the sum
of the integers between 1 and 10. """
sum = 0 # Initialize a counter to 0
for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: # change to range(1,11) later
sum = sum + i # update the sum, support +=, but not ++
return sum # return the sum
In [18]:
# built in sum
# define sum
def oursum(mylist):
""" Takes a list of numbers as input and returns the sum
of the items in that list. """
total = 0
for number in mylist:
total = total + number
return total
In [23]:
# count good way
def count(L, X):
""" Takes a list and an item as input and returns the number
of times that the item is found in the list. """
counter = 0
for item in L:
if item == X:
counter = counter + 1
return counter
count([2,3,4,5,4,6,4,3], 4)
In [24]:
# count not so good way but sometimes necessary
def count(L, X):
""" Takes a list and an item as input and returns the number
of times that the item is found in the list. """
counter = 0
for i in range(0, len(L)):
if L[i] == X:
counter = counter + 1
return counter
count([2,3,4,5,4,6,4,3], 4)
In [25]:
# func call func
def sum(mylist):
""" Takes a list of numbers as input and returns the sum
of the items in that list. """
total = 0
for number in mylist:
total = total + number
return total
def shoptotal(shoplist):
""" Takes a list of lists of numbers as input and returns
the sum of all of those numbers. """
total = 0
for shop in shoplist:
total += sum(shop)
return total
shoptotal([[2,3], [3,4,5], [1,2]])
In [26]:
# Nested loops
def shoptotal(shoplist):
""" Takes a list of lists of numbers as input and returns
the sum of all of those numbers. """
total = 0
for shop in shoplist:
for number in shop:
total += number
return total
shoptotal([[2,3], [3,4,5], [1,2]])
In [27]:
# While loops
def fpot(n):
""" Takes a number n as input and returns the smallest power
of 2 that is greater than or equal to n."""
power = 1 # 1 is the smallest power of 2
while power < n:
power = power * 2
return power
In [28]:
# For or While: for loop is preferable when we know in advance
# how many times to loop whereas a while loop is ideal when we don't know in advance
def find(DNA, pattern):
""" Takes a DNA string and a pattern string as input and
returns the list of starting indices where the pattern
string is found in the DNA string. """
indexlist = []
for i in range(0, len(DNA)):
if DNA[i:i+len(pattern)] == pattern: # Python is clever enough to realise that the ending index is not correct, and it will reduce the index to len(DNA) automatically
return indexlist
In [30]:
# a more complicate findcoding
def findcoding(DNA):
""" Takes a DNA strings as input and finds the first coding
region in that string."""
for i in range(0,len(DNA)):
# if the next 3 symbols are a start codon
if DNA[i:i+3] == "ATG":
# The starting position of the next codon
j = i + 3
while DNA[j:j+3] != "TAG" and \
DNA[j:j+3] != "TAA" and \
DNA[j:j+3] != "TGA":
# while not DNA[j:j+3] in ["TAG", "TAA", "TGA"]:
# move three positions to the next codon
j += 3
# return the coding slice
return DNA[i:j+3]
Week 3
In [1]:
# two dimensional array
creatures = [ [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]
# get rows and cols by len(creatures) and len(creatures[0])
print(len(creatures), len(creatures[0]))
In [2]:
# exchange 0 and 1 inside an 2d array
def change(array):
""" Takes a list representing a 2D array as input and
returns a list representing the array in which 0's are
changed to 1's and 1's are changed to 0's. """
rows = len(array)
columns = len(array[0])
for row in range(rows):
for column in range(columns):
# using if-else way
if array[row][column] == 0:
array[row][column] = 1
array[row][column] = 0
# another simpler way
#array[row][column] = 1 - array[row][column]
return array # return statement can be omitted as 2d array passed inside will be changed globally
newcreatures = change(creatures)
In [3]:
# what if we don't want to change the original array passed inside
# need to manually create another array and set its value
def change(input):
""" Takes a list representing a 2D array as input and
returns a new list representing the array in which 0's
are changed to 1's and 1's are changed to 0's. """
output = [] # our output array is initially empty
rows = len(input)
columns = len(input[0])
for row in range(rows):
newrow = [] # for each row in the input array
# we create a new row in the output array
for column in range(columns):
# For each item in the current row
# add the "opposite" item in the new row
newrow.append(1 - input[row][column])
output.append(newrow) # add this new row to output
return output
newcreatures = change(creatures)
In [4]:
# do not index an empty list
def change(input):
""" Takes a list representing a 2D array as input and
returns a list representing the array in which 0's are
changed to 1's and 1's are changed to 0's. However, the
code shown below does not work! """
output = [] # our output array is initially empty
rows = len(input)
columns = len(input[0])
for row in range(rows):
for column in range(columns):
# For each item in the current row
# add the "opposite" item in the new row
output[row][column] = 1 - input[row][column]
return output
newcreatures = change(creatures)
In [5]:
# print a list
def printExample1():
mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for item in mylist:
In [6]:
# print a list, without starting from a new line
def printExample2():
mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for item in mylist:
print(item, end=" ")
# print(str(item) + ":", end=" ")
In [7]:
# simple animation
import time
from IPython.display import clear_output
# Set the number of seconds that have passed to zero
sec = 0
while True: # Repeat forever
# This method of clearing the screen is for the IDLE
# environment
print("\n" * 1)
# Show the number of seconds that have passed
if sec % 10 == 0:
clear_output() # clear_output for notebook
# Wait for 1 second
# Update the number of seconds that have passed
sec += 1
Week 4
In [1]:
# basic dict
cantonese = {}
cantonese["thanks"] = "m goi"
cantonese["hello"] = "lei ho"
In [2]:
In [3]:
In [4]:
# another way
cantonese = {'hello': 'lei ho', 'thanks': 'm goi'}
In [5]:
# ask if there is a value associated with a given key
print("thanks" in cantonese, "cake" in cantonese)
In [6]:
from random import *
def play():
""" This is a guessing game! Try to guess the computer's
number which is an integer between 1 and 99. """
# choice is from random package
secret = choice(range(1, 100))
numGuesses = 0
userGuess = 0
while userGuess != secret:
userGuess = input("Enter your guess: ")
userGuess = int(userGuess)
numGuesses += 1
if userGuess == secret:
print("You got it in", numGuesses, "guesses!")
elif userGuess > secret:
print("Too high")
print("Too low")
print("Thanks for playing")
In [7]:
# try-except-else for error handling
while True:
ageString = input("What is your age? ")
ageNum = int(ageString)
except ValueError:
print("You entered something that is not an integer.")
print("Try again.")
print("Thank you!")
In [8]:
# more exception types
def find_ratio():
while True:
numerator = input("Enter a numerator: ")
denominator = input("Enter a denominator: ")
ratio = int(numerator)/int(denominator)
except ValueError:
print("You entered something other than a number")
print("for the numerator or denominator. Try again.")
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("You entered zero for the denominator! Try again.")
return ratio
In [9]:
# write to and read from a file
def writeString():
""" This function asks the user for a string and a file
name and then makes a new file and stores that string in
the file. """
mystring = input("Enter a string that you want to save: ")
filename = input("Enter a name of a file for writing: ")
myfile = open(filename, "w") # open file for writing
myfile.write(mystring) # write the string
print('finish writing')
myfile.close() # close the file
def readString():
""" This function asks the user for a file name and then
reads the contents of that file and returns it. """
filename = input("Enter a name of a file for reading: ")
myfile = open(filename, "r") # open file for reading
mystring = myfile.read() # read contents into mystring
myfile.close() # close file
return mystring # return the string
In [10]:
# catch exception if filename is wrong for reading
def readString():
""" This function asks the user for a file name and then
reads the contents of that file and returns it. """
filename = input("Enter a name of a file: ")
myfile = open(filename, "r")
except IOError:
print("There is no file with that name.")
mystring = myfile.read()
return mystring
In [11]:
# write multiple lines to a file
def writeMultipleStrings():
""" This function asks the user for input strings and writes
these strings to a file until an empty string is entered """
filename = input("Enter a name of a file: ")
myfile = open(filename, "w")
mystring = input("Enter a string: ")
while mystring != "":
myfile.write(mystring + "\n")
mystring = input("Enter a string: ")
In [12]:
# read lines from a file
def readMultipleStrings():
""" This function asks the user for a file name and reads
the string in that file into a list. """
filename = input("Enter a name of a file: ")
myfile = open(filename, "r")
except IOError:
print("There is no file with that name.")
mylist = myfile.readlines()
return mylist
Week 5
In [1]:
# scope concept revised
def firstfunc(x):
print("The value of x in firstfunc(x) is: " + str(x))
answer = secondfunc(x + 5) + x
print("The value of x in firstfunc(x) is: " + str(x))
return answer
def secondfunc(x):
print("The value of x in secondfunc(x) is: " + str(x))
x = 1
print("The value of x in secondfunc(x) is: " + str(x))
return x + 10
In [2]:
# simple recursion example
def recursivefunc(x):
print("The value of x in recursivefunc(x) is: " + str(x))
if x < 20:
answer = recursivefunc(x + 5) + x
answer = x
print("The value of x in recursivefunc(x) is: " + str(x))
return answer
In [3]:
# classical example of factorial function
def factorial(n):
""" Recursive function for computing factorial of n. """
if n == 1:
return 1
result = n * factorial(n-1)
return result
In [4]:
# load turtle graphics module
from turtle import *
# draw a square
def square(length):
""" Draws a square with the given side length """
for i in range(4):
In [5]:
pencolor("purple") # turtle changes to purple pen
speed(10) # set speed
# Draw a spiral structure from the center of the window
# outwards using a for loop
for i in range(0, 400, 2):
# Draw another spiral structure from the outside of the window
# towards the center of the window using another for loop
for i in range(401, 0, -2):
In [6]:
# draw polygons using recursion
def poly(length, angle, sides):
if sides == 0:
poly(length, angle, sides-1)
poly(100, 40, 5)
In [7]:
# class example
import datetime # Needed by get_age() when it calculates the age
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, date_of_birth, money, description):
The constructor of the Person class which initializes
the attributes of the class
# Initialize the attribute "name"
self.name = name
# Initialize the attribute "date_of_birth"
self.date_of_birth = date_of_birth
# Initialize the attribute "money"
self.money = money
# Initialize the attribute "description"
self.description = description
def give_money(self, amount, targetPerson):
Give money from this person object to the target person
# Decrease the attribute "money" of this object
self.money = self.money - amount
# Then increase the money of the target instance
# with the same amount
targetPerson.money = targetPerson.money + amount
def get_age(self):
Get the age of this person object
# Get today's date
today = datetime.date.today()
# Split the day, month and year from the
# date_of_birth attribute and store them
# into d, m and y variables
[d,m,y] = self.date_of_birth.split("/")
# Return the age
return today.year - int(y)
In [8]:
kitty = Person("Hello Kitty", "13/12/1984", 10000, \
"Very energetic and loves to play outdoors")
mary = Person("Mary White", "28/11/1960", 50000, \
"Very kind and loving, and loves to cook")
george = Person("George White", "15/10/1957", 100000, \
"Hardworking and dependable, but has a good sense of humor")
mimi = Person("Mimi White", "13/12/1984", 5000, \
"Kitty's twin sister. She wears a ribbon on her right ear")
print(george.get_age(), mary.money)
mary.give_money(500, kitty)
print(mary.money, kitty.money)
if (kitty.money > mary.money):
print(kitty.name + " is richer.")
elif (mary.money > kitty.money):
print(mary.name + " is richer.")
print("They have same amount of money")
if (kitty.get_age() > mary.get_age()):
print(kitty.name + " is older.")
elif (mary.get_age() > kitty.get_age()):
print(mary.name + " is older.")
print("They have same age.")
In [9]:
# review question
john = Person("John", "15/6/1984", 1000, "Rich man")
paul = Person("Paul", "4/8/1974", 100, "Poor man")
mary = Person("Mary", "19/3/1992", 2000, "Young lady")
if mary.get_age() < john.get_age():
mary.give_money(1000, john)
if mary.money > john.money:
mary.give_money(500, paul)
john.give_money(500, paul)
print(mary.money, paul.money, john.money)